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It’s time for another installment in our weekly “Meet Pink Martini” series, a deep dive with the many interesting and unique individuals that make up our “little orchestra”. This week we are featuring our trumpeter Gavin Bondy. Born and raised in Portland, Oregon, Gavin is an iconic member of Pink Martini, joining the band over 20 years ago, and performing on every Pink Martini album starting with our debut record Sympathique. One of our most recognizable musicians, Gavin also has lent his trumpeting acrobatics to his own classic jazz band, The Shanghai Woolies, and currently also performs with Kate & the Crocodiles. When not tossing plunger mutes in the air after hot trumpet solos, Gavin toils in his garden under the watchful eyes of his coyote dogs Timber and Wiley.

Below are our favorite answers from the list of questions we posed to everyone in the band. Enjoy!

1. If you could have seen any musician in concert, dead or alive, who you never got to see live, who would it be?

Louis Armstrong. Or Johann Sebastian Bach. Or Hildegard Von Bingen.

2. What is your favorite Pink Martini song to perform?


3. If you had a robot that could do one household chore for you… what would it be?

Digging up invasive species

4. What was the first concert you ever saw?

Doc Severinsen, with the Portland Symphony, 1975. I just turned 12 years old, I think.

5. If you could have one dish from any restaurant appear instantly anytime, which?

The Live Nachos from Blossoming Lotus

6. What’s your favorite sweet/dessert?

Rox Chox chocolate bar, the healthiest chocolate in the whole world happens to taste better than any other. Who knew?! I’m serious. I do not know these people. Get it at a Portland co-op or check here:

7. Who do you wish would play you in Pink Martini: The Movie?

I am so enamored with Joaquin Phoenix right now so it’s probably clouding my judgement. No, I’m not gay.

8. Pride of Lions, Pod of Whales… what would you call a pack of squirrels?

That should be a mob, because they don’t travel like that. I hope.

9. Are you on the party bus or sleepy bus?

I recently moved from the party bus to the sleepy bus, but I like both. I’m very versatile. (Name that movie.)

10. If you could safely tour any ancient civilization, which?

The one on Mars, although the one on the moon would be interesting, too.

11. Tell us a good knock knock joke?

My favorite knock-knock joke doesn’t work in print; you’ll have to ask me live.

12. What is your favorite non-musical hobby?

Gardening. I love to see good things growing well.

13. How did you choose your musical instrument?

I think the trumpet was chosen for me. My dad was born on Louis Armstrong’s birthday, and Miles Davis died on my mom’s birthday.

14. How are you keeping sane and calm during this crisis and these weeks of quarantine?

Ugh. I feel everyone else’s insanity and in-calm. So I pray.